Meeting – January 11, 2016 – Fred Clarke

Fred Clarke, one of America’s premier orchid hybridizers, and will speaking on Catasetums.  His website is

Our January meeting always kicks off show week and for that reason alone it is both busy and exciting.

This year we have a very exciting night planned. Fred Clarke is famous for his Catasetum intergeneric hybrids which produced, after 10 years of work, the blackest flowers ever witnessed. That plant, of course, is Fredclareara After Dark which has been awarded eight FCCs. Fred has recently added New Guinea Dendrobiums to his normal interests of Catasetums, Cycnoches, Mormodes, and hybridizing Cattleyas, Bulbophulums, and Paphiopeilums.

Fred’s business is Sunset Valley Orchids in Vista, California. He has been growing orchids for over 35 years and hybridizing for more than 30 years. His plants have won hundreds of American Orchid Society quality awards.

Fred will bring pre-ordered plants to the meeting for pickup. He is offering a 10% discount on plants with no delivery charge for FLOS members. Check out his website and send him your order! He’ll take payment at the meeting. This is one way we get the amazing plants that we all enjoy every month on the judging tables.

Click here for meeting location and driving directions.